Skyrim seasons of skyrim
Skyrim seasons of skyrim

Regardless of whether Whiterun is under the rule of Balgruuf the Greater or Vignar Gray-Mane, the Jarl will agree to capture Odahviing without talking to the Greybeards, and the main questline will be continued. Should the Dragonborn have already completed the Civil War questline and ended Skyrim's Civil War, or at least pursued the questline far enough that one side controls eight out of nine holds, then this quest will be automatically bypassed. The Jarl will also suggest talking to the Greybeards, as both General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak highly respect them. He says that if a peace treaty can be agreed between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks, he will help capture and hold a dragon. The Dragonborn tries to enlist the aid of the Jarl Balgruuf the Greater however, the Jarl will say that he cannot try to capture a dragon while Whiterun is under threat of attack. Whoever is picked will say that they must talk to the Jarl of Whiterun to try and convince him to let them use Dragonsreach, which was originally designed to capture and house a dragon. The Dragonborn must talk to either Paarthurnax, Arngeir, or Esbern. If I can get the Greybeards to host a peace council, I can try to convince the Imperial and the Stormcloaks to agree to a truce in order to defeat Alduin, who is a threat to both sides of the civil war.

skyrim seasons of skyrim

The Jarl of Whiterun won't help me capture a dragon as long as the civil war is raging.

Skyrim seasons of skyrim